The Shiva and Parvati story is one of the most revered tales in Hinduism. It beautifully illustrates the Love story and union of the Divine couple, reflecting the themes of Love, devotion, sacrifice, power, and commitment.
The journey of the Divine Mother from Sati to her rebirth as Parvati details the essence of perseverance in her pursuit of Lord Shiva’s heart.
Parvati, in her rebirth, sought and gained the position in the heart of God Shiva, who withdrew into the depths of Meditation after the loss of Goddess Sati.
The unwavering dedication of Parvati to her Lord Shiva reflects the intensity and sets us an example.
Let us get into the story.

Maha Devi Takes the Incarnation as Parvati
The Shiva and Parvati story begins when Sati, during her self-immolation, vows to no longer remain in her current form and instead decides to be reborn to reunite with Shiva.
Later, Sati joined back into Maha Devi as per the Shiva and Sati story, who in turn took the incarnation of Parvati.
Goddess Parvati was born in the royal household of King Himavat and his wife Mena.
As a Child, she was known for her exceptional beauty and intelligence. Her upbringing in the royal household taught her all the princess skills, the required austerities and rituals.
From an early age, Paravati exhibited a deep sense of devotion to Shiva. She would often meditate and perform rituals to seek Shiva’s blessings.
Her parents, Menaka and Himavat, had supported her spiritual aspirations and encouraged her devotion to Shiva.
Once, Sage Narada visited the place. Seeing the Mahadevi in the form of a child, Narada said there will not be any parents who were fortunate enough. Your daughter has all the auspicious signs.
She will glorify your name and delight her husband. However, her husband will be an ascetic.
Listening to this, Himavat and Mena were distressed. But Parvati smiled, as she knew the true Shiva.
Seeing distress, Narada confronted him and said, do not worry. The bridegroom will be Lord Shiva himself. The parent felt incredibly happy for the sage’s confirmation.
However, Himavat had doubts and asked Narada that it is said that Lord Shiva is in full Tapasya and is filled with grief. Then will Lord Shiva agree to marry and so on.
Narada said not to fear, as their daughter is none other than the incarnation of Mahadevi, who reincarnated after Sati. He then told Himavat to advise his daughter to do continuous Tapasya to get Shiva as her husband.
Later, Narada left the palace.
Devi Mena felt pity sending Parvati to Tapasya, but Parvati comforted her by saying that her destiny was to be with Shiva.
Parvati Serves Lord Shiva
One day, Himavat took Parvati to Lord Shiva’s tapsya place and said Lord Shiva, my daughter is eager to serve you. Please accept her service along with her maids.
Shiva agreed, looked at Parvati and went back to Tapasya.
Later, Parvati and her maids used to go to the place daily and serve Lord Shiva. Many years passed but no change in Shiva. one day Shiva noticed her great devotion and self-control, however he also thought that all the ego and ills she gained in human form must also leave her.
Lord Shiva returned to his state of Samadhi and Parvati continuously served him.
Gods call Kama Deva
On the other hand, the Gods were a bit worried about the rise of Tarakasura, who had a boon that only the son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati could destroy him.
So, they all thought to employ Kama Deva to help them.
To get Shiva to fall in Love with Parvati, all the gods thought to call Kama, the god of Love.
Indra then thought of Kama, who appeared before him.
All the gods had said about the situation and requested to use all his powers to persuade Shiva to look Parvati and fill his heart with desire.
Kama turned into Ashes by Lord Shiva

Proud of his prowess, Kama went to the Himalayas, where lord Shiva was doing Tapasya.
He changed the environment like spring with his powers, covering trees with fragrant flowers and fruits.
Shiva opened his eyes and saw the changes, but unaffected by them, he closed his eyes back and went back to Tapasya.
Seeing this, Kama along with Rati, went much nearer and started the dance of desire in front of Maha Dev himself, but no change.
As part of her regular offerings, Parvati approached the God Shiva and offered flowers. At this time, God Shiva opened his eyes and saw Parvati.
Kama took the opportunity, picked his arrow of flowers, and shot it at Shiva.
An apparent silence filled the air at first, but it aroused the passion in God Shiva, made him to look at Parvati and become entranced by her beauty.
Suddenly God Shiva came out of that feel and thought who caused this. He then looked around and found Kama standing proud, ready to discharge another arrow.
Then he saw the blast of God Shiva’s angry looks on him and trembled with fear.
Indra and other gods too appeared there. But within a blink of time, God Shiva opened his third eye, from which a flame of fire came out and turned Kama into heap of ashes.
Rati, the consort of Kama, fell to the ground and cried out.
All the Gods begged Shiva for his mercy. Rati begged Shiva to restore Kama to life.
As Shiva’s anger is short-lived, he forgives the sins and said Rati that I had destroyed the body of Kama but not his Spirit.
He will live now as Ananga, the one without a body. You both will reunite once again as husband and wife. Rati and others felt happy listening to this.
God Shiva returned to his austere practices but at a higher place in the mountains without a glance at Parvati.
Parvati’s Penance to get Shiva – The Great Event in Shiva and Parvati Story
Goddess Parvati’s penance is the greatest part in Shiva and Parvati Story because this is where Paravti devi had control over all the alignments of body and nature due to her immense taps.
Parvati, seeing Shiva’s nature clearly, understood that Shiva is a Mahayogi. He cannot be one by the physical beauty but only by the intense penance.
Sage Narada came to her and said Divine mother, due to the human form, you still have some traces of pride due to the beauty and youthness. He suggested doing intense penance to overcome all these.
Parvati went to her parents to seek their blessings before going to the penance. Though Himavat agreed, Mena out of affection, she said Uma, which means do not go, which made Parvati acquire the name Uma. However, thinking of Parvati’s destiny Mena agreed later.
Leaving all the signs of Royalty, Parvati went to the same place where Shiva used to do his Tapasya, built an altar for placing the linga, and started her great penance.
She sat and repeated the Shiva mantra and intensified her penance by sitting in the middle of five fires during the summers.
In snow in winters and so on.
She even left eating Leaves at one point and got the name Aparna, one who shuns leaves.
Years passed, and animals started roaming freely in that area. Still, Shiva did not appear.
The power of Tapasya had reached extremes where the world could not bear the heat generated by her tapsya.
The great penance draws several saints to visit her.
Brahma and Vishnu accompanied by other Gods went to Shiva, who is in deep Samadhi.
Nandi had informed this. The great God was pleased with their visit.
Vishnu then kept his request about killing the Tarakasura, which can only happen by the son of Lord Shiva. He also explained the boon given by Brahma to Tarakasura.
Following that, Vishnu also said that Sati, in the form of Parvati, was doing an intense penance to get you back as her husband.
Shiva then told Vishnu I am not much interested in the marriage life now, but for the protecting the world I will think about that.
Thanking Shiva, all the gods went back to their abodes.
Shiva Tests Parvati Dedication
Looking at Parvati’s determination, Shiva thought to test her.
He took the form of an old sage and appeared before Parvati. She then rose out of respect and paid all the respects to the old sage.
Then, the old sage started asking about her parents and penance.
Parvati replied that she is the daughter of King Himavan and is performing this penance to get Lord Shiv as her Husband and will continue till lord Shiva accepts me.
Shiva, in the form of an old sage, replied, citing all the negative aspects of Lord Shiva. Such as his body smeared with ashes, matted hair, wearing snakes, and so on.
Calmly, Parvati replied that Shiva’s looks and acts are all good, and he does them for a purpose, as he treats all beings equally.
But the old sage still insulted Shiva and said, why would you leave your royal life to live with Shiva, who lives with Ghosts and goblins.
He also said, you will find a more suitable bridegroom. Then, he persisted further in dissuading Parvati from marrying Shiva.
This angered Parvati. She spoke back, saying Why have you come here. I am really feeling bad to serve and provide hospitality to a person who hates Shiva. People like you can never know the true form of Shiva.
You said every inauspicious attribute that you feel to your eyes and wicked thoughts, I say thinking of him will make everything auspicious.
You do not have a place here, and no one like you can change me or my devotion to my lord, said Parvati, turning away in disgust.
Shiva then took his form, caught Parvati’s hand, and teasingly asked, do you want me to leave now.
Parvati then said shyly, by nodding her head no and downed her head with shy. Shiva lifted her head up and said, I have come here only to grant your wish and said soon we will get married.
Thanking Shiva, Parvati requested the Great God to have a wedding at her house and to send a formal marriage request to the ones she was born to in this incarnation.
Shiva agreed to this request and said that it will be fulfilled very soon.
Marriage proposal From Lord Shiva
Shiva called the celestial sages along with Arundathi and commanded them to go to Himavan and formally ask for his daughter.
They went to Himavan and had put forward the marriage proposal of Shiva with Parvati and Said The mother of universe, Parvati was born to be wife of Shiva.
Out of Happiness, Himavan said I am just waiting for the day for the union of this divine couple. Mena also agreed.
The Sages, along with Arundathi, returned to Shiva and conveyed the news.
Preparations started at both ends and all around the world to consummate the marriage of Shiva and Parvati.
Mena’s outrage in the divine wedding of Shiva and Parvati
The divine architects designed the dias for the marriage and built several mansions to accommodate the gods and the visitors attending the wedding celebration.
As the day neared, all the gods came to Kailash to start the journey and requested Lord Shiva to dress as a befitting bridegroom.
Shiva agreed with their wish and transformed himself into a Bridegroom, as the gods wished.
Looking at Shiva as the Sundara Murthy, the handsome one, adorned with ornaments and jewels, the golden silk cloth enriching the splendour, many of the Gods and celestial beings felt very happy.
Vishnu, Lakshmi, Brahma, Saraswati, Indra, Sachi, the rest of the gods, Navagraha’s, Matrikas, celestial beings, and Shiva Ganas all started the journey.
Ghosts, goblins, and other different beings also joined Shiva’s wedding journey. Shiva was seated on his white bull in the middle of the crowd.
Shiva does not have any disparity among beings. He treats all the same, as every being originated from him and is the father to all the beings.
On the other hand, Himavan waited on the city’s outskirts and saw the large crowd filled with Shiva followers. He felt so happy and thankful in his heart that he had been given this opportunity.
Himavan, seeing Shiva’s charm, clad in delicate silk garments and ornaments, felt delighted and welcomed everyone with devotion.
Mena waits in the city to see Shiva, eager to see his appearance, handsomeness, and suitability for her daughter.
Understanding Mena’s pride in worldly things, Shiva thought he would play a joke on her. So, he asked Vishnu, Gandharva, and a few of his attendants to go first.
When Mena first saw the Gandharva and Yakshas approaching, she thought one might be Shiva, but she was told that they were all his attendants.
Seeing the other divine beings, Navagraha’s other gods, she thought the same, and his attendants replied that they, too, were his attendants.
Then came Vishnu, Mena thought indeed, he might be Shiva looking at his beauty but later came to know he is Vishnu.
Next came the Ganas, some of whom were Pretas and Pisacha’s. She got terrified and asked the surrounding attendants where Shiva was.
They showed Shiva with an ash-smeared body, matted hair, and snakes wrapped around his body parts, which terrified Mena.
She questioned whether this one was truly the right match for my daughter.
Shiva approached much nearer. Everyone the Gods, celestials, demons, and the common people bowed to him on his way, seeing him as their lifetime achievement to see the supreme God.
But Mena wept and wailed, on the other hand. She said to Himavan and the neighbouring people, My family is shamed. There might be some mistake; I cannot give my daughter to this person.”
Himavan, Narada, and other sages told her that this is all the divine play of Shiva. Please come out of that illusion and see the real Shiva, they said.
Still, Mena refused. Then Vishnu came there and said, Mena, try to understand the play of Shiva. He is supreme over all the gold, in charge of all the treasures, and attendant to the Grahas and everyone.
No one can be greater than God Shiva. Try to see the world differently, Vishnu said to Mena.
Convinced by Vishnu’s words, Mena requested and said that I want Shiva to be in a pleasing aspect.
Vishnu conveyed the news to Shiva. Parvati too urged her lord to be pleased on her mother’s wish.
Shiva laughingly agreed and transformed himself. He looked exquisite and with a radiance that was unmatchable. The jewels and silk seemed so rich, and his eyes and body were like the personification of Masculinity.
Adorned with different ornaments and garlands of divine flowers made the looks more elegant.
All of this surprised Mena, filling her with incredible happiness. she thought he might be the most handsome man she had ever seen.
Seeing Mena’s discomfiture and face, Shiva smiled.
Mena and Himavan apologized and welcomed Shiva.
The Wedding of the Divine Couple
Shiva and his followers, along with other gods, entered. After performing all the rites for Shiva and Parvati, they were brought to the wedding hall.
The ceremony began in an auspicious time and was very elaborate.
Himavan took his daughter’s hand and placed it in Shiva’s, saying, Lord Shiva, I am giving my young daughter Parvati to you as your wife. Be pleased and accept her.
He repeated a few Mantras, and the ceremony continued with performing the rituals. Shiva then took Parvati’s hand and took her thrice around the sacred fire.
After that, the guests came and worshipped the divine couple. Later the celebrations went great.
The rituals continued for a few days, and later, Shiva and Parvati returned to Kailasa.